Soma: Movement & Virtual Reality Workshops (5 March)

Experience some of the ideas behind Soma, which explore embodiment, perception and materiality across physical and virtual environments, through a facilitated workshop with the Soma team..

Soma is an hour-long participatory experience that takes participants on a sensory journey and offers them the opportunity to explore different ways of ‘seeing’ and ‘feeling’ across physical, virtual and imagined realities.

Workshops: 5th March, Kaleider Studios

Workshop 1: 11am- 12.15pm

Workshop 2: 1-2.15pm

12 places available in each workshop.




Tickets: Pay what you decide

This event forms part of the South West Creative Technology Network Talent Development programme. All events within this programme are run on a pay what you decide basis. This means that it is you, not us, who makes the call about how much the event will cost you. Will it be £5? £25? £50? What is the experience worth to you?

Crucially, it also means that if you’d love to come but investing in skills development at the moment just isn’t possible, you can come along for free.

Once we’ve covered our costs, your payment will go straight back into the scheme, allowing us to programme more talent development work for people like you. We are determined to ensure that anyone can access skills development, and so we are asking you, our audience, to pay it forward if you can.

Please bear in mind that for every £5 you donate, around £1 will go towards booking fees and VAT.

All workshops take place at Kaleider Studios (45 Preston Street, Exeter, Devon, EX1 1DF). For any access requirements, please see here:

Image credits: Soma (2019) by Lisa May Thomas, image by Leticia Valverdes.

Soma is funded by Arts Council England.

This event is also funded by Kaleider.

Other project supporters are Bristol Old Vic, Knowle West Media Centre, Pervasive Media Studio, Theatre Bristol, University of Bristol and The Brigstow Institute, Bloomsbury Theatre and Studio Wayne McGregor.